In case you haven’t been paying attention, we’re continuing the list of the Top Twenty Things Every Woman Should Know which is purely subjective and could easily be debated by those who know way more than I do about such matters (and also by the generally cantankerous, I suppose). Today we’re looking at things that are good to know in…pause, please, and prepare your heart…awkward social situations.
#12 A working knowledge of current events. Read the first article on the front page of each section of any newspaper and you’re ready for anything!
#11 Three awesome conversation starters. “Have you lived here long?” “What keeps you busy right now?” “Do you think all your kids will have your receding hairline or just the one?” A few ideas to get you rolling.
#10 One impressive party trick. I can make a really cool noise with a straw. Katie makes music out of glass. What can you do?
And this may be the most important thing to know in social situations…
#9 When to stop talking. Again I draw from the deep well of my own monster mistakes. But that’s another post altogether.
Speaking of #9,