Today is the day that we pack up the family and the Winnebago and roll on out of here.
Except there is no Winnebago. Just my shrinking family (only my two youngest can go this time) and a head full of vacation dreams.
Before I go, I wanted to mention that I received remarkable response to the posts on faith last week. Emails and phone calls and even some conversations at the grocery store made me realize again that we’re all engaged in the same essential fight. We’re all trying to get this right and to serve a God we cannot see in a way that makes Him happy and proud that we are His. I’ve talked with people who are believing for big stuff and small stuff and for the stuff that seems impossible. I’ve talked with those who are weary from warfare, or just weary from walking and I can totally relate to each of those conditions.
Here’s what I know: faith pleases God. Whether or not you have seen the “results” that you feel could prove the quantity or quality of your faith is not the issue. Any time that you have ever said, “I believe”…any time you have ever felt His presence or turned His direction to find hope for a friend or for a failure or for your future…any time you have ever taken a step out of safety and into His arms, then you, my friend, are a pleasure to Him. A delight to His Dad-heart. And He will be found by you.
Delighted to be Ditching Dodge,
I needed to read that. Thanks Bo : )
“Lost that workin feelin?” Really, mom? You are ridiculous…or are you ridicalis? ;-]
Ya, you are welcome. ;-]
here to supply all the where’s your number to get you through the incessant, “Um…mom?”s I know you’re hearing this week.:-] I must say it’s one of my favorite Joe things, I’ll miss hearing that.
Um…why will you miss hearing Joe, Tor? You’re not going anywhere, are you? Yes, I’m in denial. Yes, I enjoy it so let me live in it for a bit. Also – what happened to the “c” in your name? I’m certain I put one on the birth certificate.